Monthly Archives: June 2016

Like a lazy seal on a rock..

Cape Cross Fur seal cub relaxing on a big rock at the skeleton coast in Namibia, Africa

That’s right. That was how the baby was positioned this time round for the 16 week scan. Previously he had always been on his back. But this position allowed the doctor to detect the youknowwhat and we have a visual confirmation that it is a boy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Growth is right on target and he’s got a healthy, strong heartbeat. I believe I can already feel him moving thoughย I am still a little unsure. I feel these movements mostly at night when I lie down to sleep. The blood clot or whatever that it was that we saw in the 12 week scan has disappeared already so that is a relief.

I had really bad gas pains last week which saw me running to the doctor again. The most painful that I have ever had. I dont know. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to manage the nausea, vomitting and everything else all in the dark or as and when they decide to appear. It is tough.

I wished I wasn’t complaining so much but this is genuinely overwhelming for me. And I think I have it worse than most people.

Work starts next Friday and I am nowhere near to being prepared. At leastย I have gotten one thing done. I need to move on and get started on the next task on the list. Before any nausea or sickness hits. I am so paranoid about that.

That’s all the update I have for now! ๐Ÿ™‚

Work beckons

So while I have been enjoying about a week or so of nausea free days, it returned with a vengeance yesterday and it was pretty bad. I threw up my dinner and any liquid and my breakfast the next day as well. And my stomach was aching and cramping and I had very little sleep thanks to all that pain. Popped the anti nausea meds before lunch and I felt much better.  But I think I need to be a little more careful of what I eat.  Can’t be too adventurous.

Couldn’t help but wonder if the baby is developing well and how he’s doing amidst all this vomiting.  I’ll be having my 16 week scan next Friday.  Can’t wait for that for some reassurance.

Thanks to feeling ill on and off, I haven’t gotten down to preparing my lesson materials as yet.  There’s SO much to be done before I report for work on the first.  I feel pretty lazy and there’s a lot of inertia too. I need to find the motivation somewhere somehow to get moving.

Been watching the Euro games with my hubby at home.  I’m supporting Germany and Portugal! As always! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

It’s a BOY!

Yep I’m 13.5 wks along and we know via the Panorama dna test that we’re having a boy! The baby passed with a low risk for the trisomy tests. 

My nausea and vomiting have subsided somewhat.  And I’ve started going back to school to prepare materials and lessons when the term starts.  I’m still stuck with constipation and I’ve been given Duphlac to help with that.  My appetite has returned somewhat too but I did have moments of nausea here and there.

Been shopping for bigger sized dresses! Not exactly maternity wear but just bigger and looser dresses. And for now I’m wearing whatever existing clothes that can still accommodate the growing and bloated belly. 

Husband will be going to the US on a work trip for a good 10 days and I’ll have to stay with my parents till then.  I’m going to miss him and he’s going to miss the 16 week scan.

The gray hair on my head is showing more – I don’t have an overwhelming amount but they do peek out.  I wanted to get some coloring done at a salon offering organic services but my gynae is not supportive of any kind of hair coloring at all.  So I’m gonna just stick with my hair for the next 10 months I guess or until I’m well enough to go do my hair.

2 plus more weeks to the 16 week scan! I don’t feel any movement etc and I have been feeling a little insecure without the frequent scans. 

So yep that’s all for now ๐Ÿ˜Š