Monthly Archives: January 2016

Stomach woes.. Again.

A day after the last post where I was rejoicing about feeling normal etc etc, I suffered with excessive gastric, nausea and dizziness. My Gynae keeps dismissing my protest that this might be a reaction to the Norethisterone tablets (I was given 40 tabs over 10 days). But it can’t be a coincidence that I’m falling ill more often on these medicated cycles isn’t it???

So I Google side effects of this medication and Guess what? People do report side effects! But I keep getting told that me feeling ill has got nothing to do with the medication.

Anyway, I got more medication to counter these horrid effects. I am gonna take the milky syrup (I don’t know the name yet) to help me fight the gastric and crap.

And I have got pills to combat nausea too. It was really horrid yesterday and I had these waves of nausea which I had to focus on keeping under control.


Feels good to be NORMAL! :)

Hah! It really really felt like I was back to my normal self this past week! I was able to eat whatever I wanted and the best part of it all was that I had ZERO nasty injections to administer. 😎

Been quite occupied with the Reno work at moms place. It looks like they will be able to move back this coming week. And then it’ll be back to spending time alone. Which kind of sucks.

I’m looking forward to receiving some long delayed purchases this week. Hopefully that will continue to keep me in good spirits. And.. I will have to make a trip back to school as well.

On an entirely different note, I just can’t fathom why people like to set up Facebook accounts for their babies and pets. I don’t get it. And I find it really absurd. I think creating Facebook accounts should be put off as Long as possible when it comes to kids. And to have parents creating them for their newborns and kids is just really stupid.

Right. 4 days of Norethisterone completed. Another 6 days to go. Got to enjoy the remaining injection-FREE days as much as possible!

8 blastocysts frozen..

Yep 4 of very good quality and 4 of average quality. I feel nothing much about it. I feel really neutral. Like you know, no specific outburst of joy or whatever. Sigh. Because this doesn’t confirm a pregnancy – that is why. And I want to continue to be as realistic as possible. I Guess this is what 4 years of disappointments and misery teaches you. I don’t want to celebrate anything before it is truly worth celebrating and being happy about.

I was really really vexed to know that the injections are not going to be over. Like, the medications are endless. I had 3 days of Dhupaston and Crinone. Thereafter, once it was confirmed that there would be no emergency embryo transfer (in the event none of my embryos froze well), I stopped those medications. And then now, I have been given 40 tablets of Norethisterone to consume. That’s 4 tablets a day for 10 days. This is to induce my period to come.

And I asked my nurse what the protocol will be like and she doesn’t want to give me details. She just instructed me to call her on the first day of my period and said that I would be needing the remaining Lucrin medication (injections) again. I was like wth!!!

And then I read about the various FET protocols and realised there are a hell lot more injections. And I’ve been brooding about this for a few days. It is just really exhausting. I have a phobia of needles. It took me a lot to go through all that shit this month. And it is back. Life is just not normal anymore with all these needles, jabs, medications and hospital trips.

I need to book an appointment with my doc and discuss what plans he has in store for me. I’m more tense not knowing about what’s about to come.

And all these synthetic hormones are taking a toll on me and on my health.

I really hope I’m ready when the time comes.

Embryo updates..

Well hubby had expectations of the embryos so he seems a little disappointed with the results. I didn’t quite have much of an expectation so I’m just cruising? I’m hoping we’d at least have 3 good embryos at day 5.

I am not too familiar with the grading and stuff. I just read up on these things a day or two ago.

We had 21 eggs retrieved.

On day 1, 13 fertilised well. 5 were immature and 3 were not good or something.

Today, which is day 2, we were told that 3 of the 13 were below average, 9 were average and 1 was of very good quality. The embryologist also said that the average ones have the capability to become much better in quality but that can only be confirmed later on day 4 or 5.

Her estimate is that we might get 5 good ones at the blastocyst level to freeze down.

So she’ll update us on day 4, which is the day after tomorrow on Tuesday on the progress of the embryos.

Interesting stuff. My Husband is a scientist in the bio field so he is able to explain pretty much everything in detail to me.

I have started eating normally following the ER procedure. No more nausea – That was really making me miserable. Tomorrow I’ll have to start on the progesterone support.

Can’t wait to be normal again without any medication and all this crap!

ER over!

I was a total nervous wreck today before the Egg Retrieval. And as usual Emla Didn’t disappoint. The anaesthetist used a bit of local anaesthetic to numb my hand before inserting the IV. And I felt the drowsiness kicking in and was gone in a matter of minutes.

When I woke up I had menstrual like cramps and was in the recovery section. I was requesting for painkillers but I was told that I’ve had been administered a strong dose earlier already. Then finally I was sent to the day surgery ward. Had some nausea as I tried have some porridge and I stopped eating it and had a nap instead. Felt better after the nap and was hungry enough to finish my food despite the still lingering slight nausea.

So the doc managed to retrieve a total of 21 eggs. He said he wasn’t able to extract 2more as they were too close to a major blood vessel. Oh and I was given a bottle of albumin IV before the anaesthesia to suppress OHSS.

I still don’t know if those 21 are mature eggs etc etc. No idea yet. I am supposed to receive an update on the fertilisation process tomorrow. I just hope we get to freeze as many as we can.

Hubby went to get some medication for nausea prescribed by the anaesthetist so that I would be able to rest well tonight.

Today is an auspicious day for Hindus as we celebrate Ponggal. So I hope everything else goes well!